




今日は英語の日記を書いてベトナム料理を友達とたべに行った日! 英語日記書くのめっちゃ疲れちゃう、、 貯めないように毎日更新していきます!

Writing My Diary in English: Improving Skills and Overcoming Challenges

I started writing my diary in English two days ago, and although three days of journal entries have piled up, I’m committed to this practice.

Writing a diary is tiring, but it helps me improve my English skills.

It took me three hours to write today’s entry, so I couldn’t write more than one day.

However, that’s okay because the most important thing is to engage with English every day.

Not writing much isn’t a big problem for me.

A Visit to a Vietnamese Restaurant in the Mall

I went to a Vietnamese restaurant in the mall today.

There were some cockroaches in the restaurant, which I think is a common thing in Australia.

It surprised me, and I realized that if I can’t overcome this issue, I might struggle to live in Australia.

Discovering Vietnamese Food and Coriander

I’m not sure if you know, but most Vietnamese dishes include coriander.

When I traveled to Thailand, I could eat coriander because I got used to it there.

However, I can’t stand the smell now, so I dislike it.

Except for coriander, I really enjoy Vietnamese food.

Today, I had Pho with seafood, and it was delicious!

The taste is distinctly Asian, but I realize I’ve never eaten Pho in Japan, so I can’t compare it with Japanese Pho.

Regardless, it was very tasty.

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