






Worked at restaurant

Today, I worked at Japanese restaurant in Brisbane.

I started working at 12PM, even though it was quiet.

I think the reason is the festival in Redcliff which is the most nearest sea from my house.

オーストラリアに来てはじめての海! バスケコートもビーチもあって大満足の海外ビーチでした! 日本ではできない経験と他のワーホリをしている人が経験していないことをできたような気がして楽しかったです!
オーストラリアの海辺でバーベキューをした日。 オーストラリアでは海辺や山の中にコンロがあってバーベキューができるんです! すぐできるし無料だしオーストラリアでは欠かせない大事な文化なんだなって思いました。

The memory in Redcliff was so fun for me despite there were no festival.

So if there was a festival, it must be able to create great memory.

Actually, my friend worked at festival in there, he told me that was so crowded and so busy.

You know, Redcliff is not special sea like Sunshine coast or Gold Coast.

I really wanna go to festival like this.

I knew there are a lot of festivals in Brisbane city, so if I can go, I decide to go there.

Working in restaurant was not special, because I probably learned all of the job that I can in this restaurant.

So what I have to do is to talk with customer more friendly and to memorize what is the money that I have to change for customers.

(In Australia, we usually don’t use cash, so I had never touched cash before using cash register machine.)

Went to Costco to get petrol.

Costco in Australia have petrol station, and we can get petrol so reasonable price.

If you have Costco card, you should go there just to get petrol.

You can use the card made in Japan.
(If you wanna come to Australia, you should make card in Japan, because the price to make card in Australia is more expensive than to make in Japan.)

Today’s purpose to go Costco was to get a petrol, so we didn’t go in there.

Once I go in Costco, my desire tells me to buy something:)

オージービーフでハンバーグを一から作った日。 オーストラリアでは本当にミンチが安いんです! 鶏むね肉とほとんど変わらない値段で買えてしまう。。

I wrote the information how to be a membership of Costco in Australia in this article.

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